Digital Asset Management

Top story source for journalists

Journalists look to industry and professional contacts as their top story source, which is why it’s so important to build those relationships now. The challenge for PR teams is doing this at scale.

PR for airports

While the most immediate role of PR for airports is proactively responding to the issues that affect their facilities, passengers, business partners and communities, there are many other opportunities to build trust, understanding and reputations of airports.

The 12 rules of inbound PR

Inbound PR has rules similar to inbound marketing, with some specific differences. This is a simple guide for PR professionals looking to master this medium.

Elevating your earned media to the next level

Earned media once meant publication on broadcast and print media. Now it’s a catch-all phrase for everything from a shared social post to amplification across broadcast media. While increased social media coverage is a crucial arrow in the PR arsenal, the main goal is still mainstream media coverage.

While it seems this type of coverage is increasingly elusive, the reality is more channels, and media brands are seeking more content more often. The disconnect occurs when PR professionals deploy the same technologies that deliver diminishing returns, expecting better outcomes.

Online newsroom with a DAM

Newsroom solutions without advanced digital asset management capabilities belong in archives. They were a product of an era before social media and hi-resolution screens on devices. Journalists, the media and influencers place as much importance on sharing stories with visual content as they share trending storylines. A newsroom solution without the capabilities of allowing the media to discover their images and videos is simply redundant technology.

Are journalists failing you, or are you failing journalists?

In a recent survey of journalists, 61% agreed with the statement that “The way most companies share information with the media is out of date”. That statement alone clearly indicates that journalists believe that companies are failing them.

Reputational management and repair

The rule of thumb with the media is that if you’re not telling your story, then someone else will. When things have gone wrong, this rule is amplified tenfold. As they say in newsroom’s, ‘if it bleeds, it leads’. If your transport brand is at risk of being damaged or wholly undermined through the media, you need ways to get out in front of the story. Your need Lookatmedia™ centre is one such way.

1 Aug - 15 Dec

University open days media coverage

Whether it’s a live or virtual event, open days play an essential role in the success of universities. Coming out of the pandemic, these events will only increase in importance for students, parents, and universities themselves.

Awareness of your university and open days to the media in advance is an essential element of building your reputation and participation in these events, which is why you need a solution like Lookatmedia™.

The role of media exposure in building trust in government

We are experiencing an ‘infodemic which is driving mistrust in governments worldwide. With such a rising tide of misinformation, governments and government institutions need to become much more active in the media to rebuild trust with the public. Lookatmedia™ can support you with this mandate.