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New Online Newsroom with DAM. Genius.

Some innovations make you ask the question, ‘why has no one done this before?’ Lookatmedia™ is one of those innovations. Lookatmedia™ is the first media centre solution that provides an environment for creating content for journalists, media groups and influencers. It also automates delivering the exact resources needed to complete their research and illustrate their stories.

Online newsroom software for 24/7 media engagement

If you have an online newsroom that only works when your PR team are available, or have time to engage with the media, then you’re missing opportunities for more positive media coverage.

How to push bad news off page one

Do you have malignant forces that have aligned to damage your online reputation? Are their nefarious aims pushing all of your good news from the first page of importance organic search results? This phenomenon is impacting many brands, and search engines offer little recourse. There is a way to restore the balance and push bad news off page one of searches, and it begins with Lookatmedia™.

The media has evolved. Has your media strategy?

When Mark Twain was asked about false media reports of his death, he is quoted as saying, “The reports of my death are grossly exaggerated”. Today the same can be said of the media. Although trust has shifted to some degree in the media, most people still get their news from credible media sources, with as many as 65% of people now getting that news from News apps. The media has undergone (and continues to experience) an extensive digital transformation necessary to their survival.

The benefits of a media pitch with a visual narrative

In 2014 MIT Neuroscientists released research demonstrating that people could recognise the content and concept behind an image in as little as 13 milliseconds. Neuroscientists already knew that our brains spent much of their days making sense of what they see; the speed at which it happens surprised them.

Is PR's visual neglect undermining its performance?

In the dynamic realm of modern media, visual content has become the linchpin of compelling storytelling. As news consumption patterns evolve, PR professionals are in a pivotal position to cater to this demand by supplying journalists with captivating images and videos. Failing to do so undermines their narratives' potential and hampers their communication strategies' overall impact.