
Your Lookatmedia™ Events mini home allows journalists, media representatives and influencers to discover your events by themes or by date range.

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15 Jun - 15 Jul

How candidates can leverage Lookatmedia™ for event media coverage

In addition to creating and amplifying compelling illustrated content that attracts journalists' attention and coverage, Lookatmedia™ newsrooms feature an option for journalists to add event details to their calendars with a single click. Throughout a single candidate's campaign, they can run upwards of 200 events in a single election cycle. With a Lookatmedia™ newsroom, each candidate can leverage these events to increase media coverage and reduce advertising expenditures. Each event can include specifics, links to registration forms, and other resources required by the communications team to help them prepare for media participation and coverage. Here is a list of events and the type of increased media participation and coverage you can aim to achieve with Lookatmedia™.

10 Jul - 30 Jul

A Media pitch strategy that expands your journalist database

Most media pitches focus on using press releases and events to tell your story to your existing contacts. Lookatmedia™ uses a technique that achieves this while attracting and building your media contacts. Here's how it's done.

16 Feb - 2 Mar

'Save the date’ on arts and cultural events

Journalist are asked to attend hundreds of arts and cultural events every month. On initial glance, many of these events may be deemed newsworthy and something worth attending and even writing about. Unfortunately, if they don’t add them to their calendars immediately, they are soon forgotten. Lookatmedia™ has a feature that ensures your events are never forgotten.

7 Feb - 28 Feb

Calendar of events

Lookatmedia™ is designed for you to create and manage a media-friendly calendar of events.

1 Jan - 3 Jan

FOMO festival

Fear Of Missing Out on opportunities to promote your festival through free media has a cure. It’s your own Lookatmedia™ center. When you have a Lookatmedia™ center, you know you’ve created the ideal opportunity to engage with journalists. You know you’ve provided an environment where media representatives can discover story ideas, festival details, press releases, and even FAQs.

5 Dec - 15 Dec

Your 13-millisecond event media pitch

We’re all aware of the power of the 10 second sound bite, but how many know of the 13-millisecond media pitch?