Digital Asset Management

PR strategies for the next big mining boom

Over the next decade, McKinsey forecasts predict growth in demand for Li-ion batteries to increase at batteries at a compound rate of 30 % per year. Lithium demand alone is expected to grow from 500,000 metric tons in 2021 to four million metric tons in 2030. Add similar cobalt, nickel, graphite, and manganese markets, and it becomes clear what may drive the next big mining boom.

Do PR agencies also need to be software vendors?

In many ways, the journey of PR agencies parallels the journey of ad agencies; Both have experienced seismic shifts in how they engage with audiences. Both have had to come to terms with new, more technologically driven and channel-centric approaches to communication.

In the case of technology, generally, Advertising agencies have led the charge. They've adapted faster to new paradigms. This change has resulted in their move; their media spends now primarily on online content and adverts. They've also embraced the social advertising, content, and experiential digital models. The PR sector has also changed, embracing social media more enthusiastically than Adverting Agencies.

Lookatmedia™ newsroom vs. the alternative

There are two parts to the cost of an effective newsroom, and the first is the cost of not having one. Suppose you have no or an ineffective newsroom that doesn't draw in and support a diverse range of journalists. In that case, you're missing out on earned media opportunities and ways to enhance and protect your reputation. The second cost is the missed opportunities where journalists on deadline are forced to move to other sources for their stories simply because your PR team lacks the resources and time to meet journalists' real needs.

The 2022 goal of discovering newsrooms in the goldilocks zone

When astronomers look for potential life throughout the universe, they often look for planets in the ‘goldilocks zone’. These planets have a set of criteria that provide the potential for life based on the ideal distance from a star and atmosphere composed of a specific mix of gasses, liquid water, and other factors. They set these criteria based on what they know has worked on earth.

The same principles apply when choosing a newsroom or media centre solution. Newsroom solutions need to provide the right atmosphere and ideal conditions for journalists to propagate their stories. Access to pre-approved compliant collections of images and video are essential ingredients in this process.

Have you mistakenly believed a news page is enough?

Expecting a journalist to use your ‘news page’ on your website to build newsworthy stories on your brand or organisation is like handing a builder a hammer and asking them to build a house. It’s simply not enough to get the job done. Your PR team is always in ‘push’ mode, sending out press releases and spending most of their time trying to convince journalists that writing stories on your organisation are in their best interest. The fact of the matter is if you are not prepared to treat journalists with respect, then they will return the favour.

Do we actually need online newsroom management software?

Do organisations need online newsroom management software, or can they just add a news page to their corporate website? The answer to this question is another question; do you want to connect with the media to promote your messages and control the narrative on your brand?’

Financial PR in times of crisis

While trust in the business sector has grown in the last few years, there has been a dramatic decline in confidence in the financial services sector. From 2020 to 2021 alone, the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer shows trust internationally in the financial services sector has dropped by 5 points. Combine this with increasing interest rates, inflation, and the spectre of increased market volatility. It becomes evident that now is the time for financial organisations to prepare for a crisis.

Really connect with journalists

How do you connect with journalists today? What’s the best way to stay connected and create more media coverage of the stories that are important to you? As it turns out, the best way to achieve connection with journalists is through inbound PR, using newsroom platforms like Lookatmedia™. Here’s why.

PR for participation

Non-profits often rely heavily on volunteers and action from individuals to achieve their missions. Attracting that level of participation is often dependent on exposure to an issue, group, or organisation. This can be partially achieved in the digital world by social media engagement; however, media exposure is where the real seeds of change happen.