Media Releases

How do you get your timing right with every media pitch?

In a recent Muck Rack journalists survey, about a fourth of respondents attributed their immediate rejection of pitches to bad timing. On average, that means one-quarter of your Media Pitches are dismissed immediately. Confusing subject lines also dramatically increase out-of-hand rejections by journalists. Imagine if you could get the timing and subject lines perfect every time. There is a way.

Online newsroom solution for green energy

The green energy sector is locked in a battle for the hearts and minds of the public. Its foe is the inertia and friction provided by outdated information and the agendas of those who benefit most from the status quo. Lookatmedia™ provides a PR solution designed to change the balance of power in this battle.

How Twitter can improve the success of your media pitches

77% of journalists use Twitter to keep up with the latest news. If you're not using Twitter to expand the reach of your media pitch, you're missing out; however, getting discovered on Twitter is challenging, so here are a few things you need to know and can do to improve your success.

Branded online newsroom, your way

Choosing an online newsroom solution should work similarly to purchasing a new car; you can buy a base model, or you can change the look or add additional features to fulfil your needs and desires. It would be best if you didn't have to build the car yourself. The technicians who built the car are the best people to help you customise your solution to enhance performance and fit your organisation and people. This is the philosophy that drives the Lookatmedia™ customisation process.

Creative ways to connect with journalists

The most common challenge for PR professionals is getting journalists to respond to their media pitches. For PR professionals, this is increasing a problem as the media market continues to diversify and fragment. What if there was a better way that you could use your team's creative skills to get journalists to come to you?

The Press Release force multiplier

Press Releases remain a central pillar of PR practices, with as many journalists finding them an essential source of new story ideas. However, they alone are not enough to cater to the needs of a diversified media landscape. Solutions like Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms are a ‘force multiplier’ for Press Release campaigns. Here’s why an online newsroom like Lookatmedia™ is an essential tool for PR departments today.

10 Jul - 30 Jul

A Media pitch strategy that expands your journalist database

Most media pitches focus on using press releases and events to tell your story to your existing contacts. Lookatmedia™ uses a technique that achieves this while attracting and building your media contacts. Here's how it's done.

PR tools to triage your media response

The medical sector has policies that allow them to manage short term crisis and disaster responses; however, events like COVID have demonstrated that these responses become increasingly fragile over extended time frames. This is partly from a lack of access to equipment, medical supplies and the accumulated physical and medical toll paid by health professionals. It is also due to successive governments' erosion of funding and long-term investment.

Have you mistakenly believed a news page is enough?

Expecting a journalist to use your ‘news page’ on your website to build newsworthy stories on your brand or organisation is like handing a builder a hammer and asking them to build a house. It’s simply not enough to get the job done. Your PR team is always in ‘push’ mode, sending out press releases and spending most of their time trying to convince journalists that writing stories on your organisation are in their best interest. The fact of the matter is if you are not prepared to treat journalists with respect, then they will return the favour.