Facts & Stats

New Online Newsroom with DAM. Genius.

Some innovations make you ask the question, ‘why has no one done this before?’ Lookatmedia™ is one of those innovations. Lookatmedia™ is the first media centre solution that provides an environment for creating content for journalists, media groups and influencers. It also automates delivering the exact resources needed to complete their research and illustrate their stories.

The Role of Online Newsrooms in Modern PR

Online newsrooms are more critical today than ever before. With the rise of digital media and the increasing use of the internet as a primary source of news and information, online newsrooms have become crucial tools for businesses and organizations to communicate with their audiences.

Newsjacking PR strategies

It's official; online searches drive more storylines for journalists than any other source. Journalists seek out trending themes and news headlines and then research stories that fit these trends. It's why news hacking is increasingly used in PR strategies.

Online newsroom solution for green energy

The green energy sector is locked in a battle for the hearts and minds of the public. Its foe is the inertia and friction provided by outdated information and the agendas of those who benefit most from the status quo. Lookatmedia™ provides a PR solution designed to change the balance of power in this battle.

Social Licence and online newsrooms

For those who may not be aware, Social Licence is the level of acceptance or approval that stakeholders and communities extend to projects, sites, companies, or industries. In an era of climate change, where actions in one country impact us all, Social License to operate is high in the media, public, government and businesses agenda. Such a license is based on trust and confidence – hard to win, easy to lose.

The best company press page is not a press page

There is an AdWords campaign for an online newsroom solution that starts with the line 'don't overpay for PR software'. While this may seem an attractive promise, it's leading to organisations committing to PR software solutions that fail to meet the needs of enterprises. In life, there are few exceptions where cheap means better, and when dealing with the reputation of multibillion-dollar originations, cheap is never better.

Agitation. Acceptance. Action

The three legs of the milking stool of non-profit PR are agitation, acceptance, and action. While every non-profit will have its own goals with media engagement, they all will include at least one of these focuses, with some including all three.

PR strategies for the next big mining boom

Over the next decade, McKinsey forecasts predict growth in demand for Li-ion batteries to increase at batteries at a compound rate of 30 % per year. Lithium demand alone is expected to grow from 500,000 metric tons in 2021 to four million metric tons in 2030. Add similar cobalt, nickel, graphite, and manganese markets, and it becomes clear what may drive the next big mining boom.

Lookatmedia™ newsroom vs. the alternative

There are two parts to the cost of an effective newsroom, and the first is the cost of not having one. Suppose you have no or an ineffective newsroom that doesn't draw in and support a diverse range of journalists. In that case, you're missing out on earned media opportunities and ways to enhance and protect your reputation. The second cost is the missed opportunities where journalists on deadline are forced to move to other sources for their stories simply because your PR team lacks the resources and time to meet journalists' real needs.