Media Releases

New Online Newsroom with DAM. Genius.

Some innovations make you ask the question, ‘why has no one done this before?’ Lookatmedia™ is one of those innovations. Lookatmedia™ is the first media centre solution that provides an environment for creating content for journalists, media groups and influencers. It also automates delivering the exact resources needed to complete their research and illustrate their stories.

The media has evolved. Has your media strategy?

When Mark Twain was asked about false media reports of his death, he is quoted as saying, “The reports of my death are grossly exaggerated”. Today the same can be said of the media. Although trust has shifted to some degree in the media, most people still get their news from credible media sources, with as many as 65% of people now getting that news from News apps. The media has undergone (and continues to experience) an extensive digital transformation necessary to their survival.

The Role of Online Newsrooms in Modern PR

Online newsrooms are more critical today than ever before. With the rise of digital media and the increasing use of the internet as a primary source of news and information, online newsrooms have become crucial tools for businesses and organizations to communicate with their audiences.

Illustrated newsrooms elevate entertainment media coverage

The entertainment industry is highly competitive. Success often depends on an entertainment company's ability to effectively maintain positive relationships with the media, manage crises, protect their intellectual property, deal with negative reviews, and balance creativity and commerce. Fortunately, branded online newsrooms can help entertainment companies tackle these challenges and maintain a strong media presence.

The online newsroom with an eraser

When you’re in the business of cleaning up other people’s mistakes, making mistakes yourself has very real repercussions, however the reality is that you will make mistakes. The fact that we all make mistakes ( PR professionals and journalists alike) is why we build an online newsroom that allows you to clean up those mistakes.

Is your dull online newsroom hurting your reputation?

Does your organisation take advantage of the opportunity journalist provide you to build your reputation, or is your approach more a ‘small target’ approach? No matter how you see the media and your approach to engaging (or not engaging) with them, they have power and sway over how you are perceived.

Changes that will impact Public Relations practices in 2023

There have been seismic shifts in the media that will impact the effectiveness of PR Professionals and teams. Here are the trends to watch for 2023.

PR for VC

The recent machinations of Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter should act as a cautionary tale for Venture Capitalists. A man hoisted high by the media as a ‘genius’ for more than a decade is now widely viewed as the ‘barbarian at the gates. The jury is still out on the financial (and social) implications of Elon’s approach to his reluctant takeover of Twitter; however, as a case study in PR, most would say it’s been an abject failure.