Strike when the opportunity presents
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Lookatmedia™ newsrooms provide the tools you need to strike immediately as journalists present you with opportunities.
One of the challenges PR professionals manage daily is identifying stories that fit an individual journalist's immediate needs. Solutions like HARO (Help A Reporter Out) and other newswire services allow journalists to post requests for stories on specific subjects. Most of these stories don't relate to trending storylines and offer PR teams the opportunity for more 'bread and butter' earned media coverage. The challenge for PR professionals is matching their stories with the type of stories journalists want.
Responding with a quick media pitch
Many of these story requests are time-sensitive. Creating specific content for these opportunities may also distract from core PR activities. Lookatmedia™ can help you fill these media requests instantly, using the content you've already created and published in your newsroom.
Respond to media opportunities at the speed of light
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Journalists are fighting against the clock in a 24/7 news cycle. Help them out by responding faster with a range of alternative story ideas, images and videos that fit their story request.
Respond to media opportunities at the speed of light
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Journalists are fighting against the clock in a 24/7 news cycle. Help them out by responding faster with a range of alternative story ideas, images and videos that fit their story request.
Repurposing published stories
As you build a library of story ideas and research documents on your Lookatmedia™ newsroom, you build opportunities to repurpose your stories for a more diverse range of journalists. Lookatmedia™ makes it simple to compare what journalists are seeking with the content that already exists in your newsroom. When you find a match, you simply send a link for the article. You may even send multiple links, increasing your chance of success.
Reduce, reuse, repurpose, recycle
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Your Lookatmedia™ newsroom builds to become a natural resource where you can reuse, repurpose, and recycle stories, images, and videos to create the exact content that fits need needs of a journalist seeking story ideas and resources.
Reduce, reuse, repurpose, recycle
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Your Lookatmedia™ newsroom builds to become a natural resource where you can reuse, repurpose, and recycle stories, images, and videos to create the exact content that fits need needs of a journalist seeking story ideas and resources.
Illustrating content
The wonderful part of Lookatmedia™ is that once a journalist clicks on a link you send, they soon discover they can also register to have frictionless access to the images and videos used to illustrate your story, or discover and choose other assets that fit with their story. In doing so, you collect the journalists' contact details and permission to contact them with other story ideas.
A healthy media ecosystem
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Create opportunities with the media by repurposing organisational images and videos for media usage. Curate collections and provide attributions and descriptions that instantly allows journalists’ articles to pass publishing compliance requirements.
A healthy media ecosystem
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Create opportunities with the media by repurposing organisational images and videos for media usage. Curate collections and provide attributions and descriptions that instantly allows journalists’ articles to pass publishing compliance requirements.
Promoting Thought leaders
Lookatmedia™ quick media pitches also provide an opportunity to promote your thought leaders. Often journalists want to interview experts on subjects to add fresh and qualified perspectives. The stories and research content you publish on your Lookatmedia™ newsroom act as an introduction to your thought leaders.
A platform for thinkers
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Connect your thought leaders with journalist’s, increasing your brand profile and reptation. Demonstrate your thought leader’s specific areas of expertise and the views that capture the attention of the media.
A platform for thinkers
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Connect your thought leaders with journalist’s, increasing your brand profile and reptation. Demonstrate your thought leader’s specific areas of expertise and the views that capture the attention of the media.
Master the art of the quick media pitch
There are services like Qwoted, ProfNet, Haro, Quora, Forbes Councils, Business Journals Leadership Trust, SourceBottle, Twitter (#journorequests), and OnePitch that seek to connect journalists with stories and experts. Your Lookatmedia™ newsroom is designed to help you use these services to build your brand, organisation, and thought leader profiles while enhancing reputations.