Economy post COVID

Economy post COVID

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Government announces strategy to bringing back the economy after 12 months of COVID 19 lockdowns

#business #markets #news #COVID

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Economy post COVID
3 years ago
Content PKG

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on The Latest News

#news #story #inspiration #lookatmedia #news #PR

By Craig Harris

Content PKG

Economy post COVID

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Government announces strategy to bringing back the economy after 12 months of COVID 19 lockdowns

#business #markets #news #COVID

Something exciting has just happened. Something that may not shake the world, but it’s shaking your world, and you want the world to know about it. Rather than send it the old way with a media release, write the story you wish to and illustrate it with the images and video that bring it to life. Tell your story the right way and inspire the media to do the same with Lookatmedia™.

Why Lookatmedia™ is shaking up the PR world

Journalists and media groups are under immense pressure to create and publish content faster. They also need to create content for multiple channels with fewer resources. A press release alone won't 'cut the mustard.' You need a way to reach more journalists more often, with more content. Lookatmedia™ was designed for precisely that purpose. It's shaking the world of PR by providing a low-touch, high-engagement environment that extends your reach and supports journalists with the resources they need to create quality content faster.

Latest news, Latest events

Now you can provide a context for your content that is a steppingstone to free media exposure. Create articles to demonstrate to the media why your brand is newsworthy. Promote events you want the media to promote. Create inspirational articles that inspire content in the media. You can do all of this in Lookatmedia™.

Lookatmedia™ works across channels and devices

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Illustrated news, events and story ideas work better across multiple channels and devices. Journalist, media representatives and influencers seek these resources online from sources like Lookatmedia™.

#news #story #inspiration #lookatmedia #news #PR

Lookatmedia™ works across channels and devices

Lookatmedia™ works across channels and devices

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Illustrated news, events and story ideas work better across multiple channels and devices. Journalist, media representatives and influencers seek these resources online from sources like Lookatmedia™.

#news #story #inspiration #lookatmedia #news #PR

When using any content from this media centre, you must include an attribution for the content creator. Select "I Understand" to proceed to download this image.

Fresh off the press

Show when articles are published and promote event times and dates. Make this content easily discoverable through search engines and reward journalists for registration with access to digital assets that help them create their content. Do all of this in the one, low-touch environment, where journalists and media around the globe can access what they need, even while you sleep.

Media releases v2.0

We haven't forgotten the humble media release; however, we have elevated it to a new level. Publish your media release in the Media Release section of your Lookatmedia™ centre and make it discoverable through search engines. We even provide an option for journalists, media, and other stakeholders to download a media release as PDF or send by email. Make last-minute changes to your media release and ensure that it's the latest version that is downloaded.