Combatting misinformation

Combatting misinformation

Getty Images/iStockphoto

In response to unpalatable news on complex issues, unscrupulous sources promote conspiracy theories that feed on public anxieties

#FakeNewsMedia #propaganda #BreakingNews

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Combatting misinformation
3 years ago
Content PKG

Latest News


#FakeNewsMedia #news #BreakingNews #lookatmedia

By Craig Harris

Content PKG

Combatting misinformation

Getty Images/iStockphoto

In response to unpalatable news on complex issues, unscrupulous sources promote conspiracy theories that feed on public anxieties

#FakeNewsMedia #propaganda #BreakingNews

Joseph Pulitzer sent notes to an editor in 1910 to review a subject ‘without flapdoodle’. Flapdoodle may be a term-long since out of use; however, in the absence of facts, foolish talk still makes its way into modern-day journalism. Lookatmedia™ provides you with a cure for common causes of flapdoodle, balderdash, drivel, hogwash, malarkey and twaddle.

Banishing balderdash

Conjecture, conspiracies and theories fill the gaps left when organisations fail to provide the facts of a story. Nowadays, we need to worry about what influencers and new media have to say on a story as mainstream media. Better manage the story with Lookatmedia™.

Derailing drivel

The best way to derail drivel is to get out in front of the story. Lookatmedia™ provides your organisation with an opportunity to tell your story your way. By building and collecting content that the media can use for research, you can demonstrate your ongoing commitment to your mission while supporting the media with accurate, proven information.

Halting hogwash

George Bernard Shaw once said ‘Never wrestle a pig. You’ll get dirty, and the pig will like it.’ He was not talking about actual pigs; they’re lovely, intelligent creatures. His comment is related to those with less than noble aims. The best way to halt hogwash about your organisation is to tell your story on Lookatmedia™ then invite the media and influencers to see your side of the story.

Mitigating malarkey

Stats and facts can be fascinating and helpful features of storytelling. Your Lookatmedia™ includes a resource centre dedicated entirely to Stats and Facts. Add well-researched stats and facts to your media centre to help mitigate malarkey.

Trampling twaddle

Trample twaddle by getting your side of the story out faster to more sources. Your Lookatmedia™ centre was designed to help you expand your media contacts and reach. It was also designed for rapid creation and publishing and editing of already live Media Releases. Simplify and speed up the creation of Media Releases with Lookatmedia™ to combat misinformation.


Getty Images/iStockphoto

Conspiracy theories are aided by social media algorithms and an unwillingness amongst many to understand complex issues.

#FakeNewsMedia #propaganda #BreakingNews



Getty Images/iStockphoto

Conspiracy theories are aided by social media algorithms and an unwillingness amongst many to understand complex issues.

#FakeNewsMedia #propaganda #BreakingNews

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