Don’t bury the headline

Don’t bury the headline


Lookatmedia allows you to take charge of the narrative and influence search results, by providing you with a solution capable of pushing bad news and reviews on your organisation off page one.

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Don’t bury the headline
5 months ago

Latest News

How to push bad
news off page one

#PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #innovation #prmedia #lookatmedia

By Craig Harris

Don’t bury the headline


Lookatmedia allows you to take charge of the narrative and influence search results, by providing you with a solution capable of pushing bad news and reviews on your organisation off page one.

#PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #news #Breaking #Breakingnews #update #newsupdate #newsalert #today #innovation #prmedia #publicrelations

Do you have malignant forces that have aligned to damage your online reputation? Are their nefarious aims pushing all of your good news from the first page of importance organic search results? This phenomenon is impacting many brands, and search engines offer little recourse. There is a way to restore the balance and push bad news off page one of searches, and it begins with Lookatmedia™.

The swiss army knife of media centres

Lookatmedia™ has more features and capabilities than your garden variety media centre or newsroom. To start with, it includes an enterprise-level Digital Asset Management solution that allows your team to create media pitches of a standard and at a scale previously unseen. It also has new features for press or media releases, manages events, media contact collection and a raft of resources required by journalists…and it presents an opportunity to fill first page searches on your brand with nothing but good news.

How does Lookatmedia beat the haters at their own game?

The more content you can build, search engines rank against your name, the greater the chance you can push bad reviews and publicity of the 1st pages of organic searches. With Lookatmedia™, you have an entirely newly owned media channel that can be optimised for media engagement. This means you can create content to counter negative publicity and possible push it from page one.

Take control of the narrative

Getty Images/iStockphoto

You need your own news channel to attract more media coverage and manage your reputation. Lookatmedia™ is that channel.

#PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #news #Breaking #Breakingnews #update #newsupdate #newsalert #today #innovation #prmedia

Take control of the narrative

Take control of the narrative

Getty Images/iStockphoto

You need your own news channel to attract more media coverage and manage your reputation. Lookatmedia™ is that channel.

#PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #news #Breaking #Breakingnews #update #newsupdate #newsalert #today #innovation #prmedia

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The big game

The content you create within your Lookatmedia™ centre is discoverable through search engines, increasing your chance of working with the media to tell the good news you want the public to know. It’s another way you can rebalance the scales of public opinion in your favour.