Social influencers and bloggers
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Lookatmedia™ centre was designed to attract more than just the attention of traditional media. Influencers are amongst the most enthusiastic and content hungry in the new media environment. They are constantly looking for new sources of stories, imag
Social influencers are playing an increasing role in Public Relations for retail brands. Some brands are finding as many as 50% of those who register on their media centres are social influencers.
The attention economy
Retailers compete for dollars and attention. Both are a commodity that is increasingly difficult to acquire. Influencers are using their social profiles to create revenue, allowing advertisers access to their followers. In many cases, these influencers are offering product placement…for a price. This may seem that influencers are the ones in control, but ignoring one crucial fact: competition for attention. Influencers need content to feed their social profiles, and your Lookatmedia™ centre can be the place they go to get it.
Why social influencers love Lookatmedia™
The driving force behind most social influencers is visual content. Yes, they create their own visual content, but it’s not always enough to satisfy their followers. That’s why they lean on solutions like Lookatmedia™. Lookatmedia™ delivers pre-approved content in the exact formats they need for social media, in a way that helps them write their own content.
New is news
Social influencers survive on breaking news. Whether they’re unboxing a new iPhone, new runners, cosmetics, or any other consumer product, being the first to do so is how they build credibility and followers. By publishing content on new product and service releases on your Lookatmedia™ centre, you can allow influencers to play a role in building brand and product awareness.
Healthy competition
If influencers know that you are breaking news and launching new offers on your Lookatmedia™ centre, they will want to be the first to know. If they also know they can access this pre-approved information, images, and videos 24/7/365, they can create content and post when they want.
Be in the ‘know’
Another benefit of your Lookatmedia™ centre is that you can track which influencers are downloading your content and track their activity. You can also include hashtag ideas on all the images and articles in your Lookatmedia centre. Add in your own hashtags and watch your brand profile grow.

Now available
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Social media and bloggers want to be the first to try or own something new. They depend on being ‘in the know’ to build their flower base and revenue. Lookatmedia™ content allows you to launch new products and services in a format that invites influe

Now available
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Social media and bloggers want to be the first to try or own something new. They depend on being ‘in the know’ to build their flower base and revenue. Lookatmedia™ content allows you to launch new products and services in a format that invites influe
Lower the temperature
The speed of social media often results in mistakes and sometimes even legal action. Your Lookatmedia™ centre allows you to manage image and video titles, descriptions, attributions, usages rights and expiries. By combining robust approval and publishing workflows at the back end, you can offer frictionless but auditable access at the front end helping to manage the usual risks anderrors.
‘You’re invited to the launch!’
Another benefit of Lookatmedia™ is contact collection. Whether you’re dealing with a journalist, media representative or social influencer, everyone must register to access the visual content. That allows your brand to build and contact list and rank them by importance and activity. You can then do what the tourism sector does and invite them to VIP parties and launches.