Getty Images/iStockphoto

Most businesses now have their own climate response strategies. Lookatmedia™ is the forum where you demonstrate how this strategy works to benefit everyone.

Most businesses now have their own climate response strategies. Lookatmedia™ is the forum where you demonstrate how this strategy works to benefit everyone.

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3 years ago

Turning carbon-negative
into a positive

#climatechange #PressRelease #ClimateAction #ActOnClimate #media #publicrelations #lookatmedia

By Craig Harris


Getty Images/iStockphoto

Most businesses now have their own climate response strategies. Lookatmedia™ is the forum where you demonstrate how this strategy works to benefit everyone.

Most businesses now have their own climate response strategies. Lookatmedia™ is the forum where you demonstrate how this strategy works to benefit everyone.

Increasingly the public is turning to business to lead the way in climate change action. This existential threat to our survival has the public's and media’s attention. They’re all demanding the organisations whose products and services they use, who they work with (and work for) demonstrate their ecological and social credentials.

Clear air

Demands on peoples’ and media attention make it increasingly difficult to get the ‘clear air’ organisations need to demonstrate their commitment to the environment and society. Lookatmedia™ provides an opportunity to own that ‘clear air’.

Creating clear air above individual businesses

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Journalists are inundated with press releases on how businesses are responding to climate change. Lookatmedia™ provides you with the clear air to tell you climate response stories in a context where journalists are listening.

#environment #climatechange #sustainability #PressRelease #ClimateAction #ActOnClimate #media #publicrelations

Creating clear air above individual businesses

Creating clear air above individual businesses

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Journalists are inundated with press releases on how businesses are responding to climate change. Lookatmedia™ provides you with the clear air to tell you climate response stories in a context where journalists are listening.

#environment #climatechange #sustainability #PressRelease #ClimateAction #ActOnClimate #media #publicrelations

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More characters and more character

Your response to climate change is not a small thing. It can't be completely captured in a 300-word press release. It needs a carefully managed ecosystem that is in balance with the other stories about your organisation. It is more than a single page response. It's an essential chapter in the story of you, your people and what you work to achieve. Lookatmedia™ provides you with fertile soil where your reputation and trust flourish in the media and minds of the public.

Where will we be in the year 2030?

It's a question on the public's minds, key decision-makers and the media. It's a story about finding a balance between competing agendas. Thought leaders in organisations can provide insights into finding the right solutions within the right time frames. Lookatmedia™ delivers a forum where your thought leaders build their profiles, create more worthwhile opportunities for their voices to be heard by the media.

Important and urgent

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Hitting critical milestones is important in business. Lookatmedia™ allows you have an ongoing discussion with the media demonstrating that your climate response plans have become actions.

#environment #climatechange #sustainability #PressRelease #ClimateAction #ActOnClimate #media #publicrelations

Important and urgent

Important and urgent

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Hitting critical milestones is important in business. Lookatmedia™ allows you have an ongoing discussion with the media demonstrating that your climate response plans have become actions.

#environment #climatechange #sustainability #PressRelease #ClimateAction #ActOnClimate #media #publicrelations

When using any content from this media centre, you must include an attribution for the content creator. Select "I Understand" to proceed to download this image.

A newsroom solution that’s about reducing the temperature

Lookatmedia™ provides you and your PR team with an opportunity to influence the arc of a story, reducing the heat and allowing you to tell your side of the story. Provide long-form illustrated newsworthy content, research, and support material to reduce journalists' energy consumption in creating more accurate and informed articles.

On behalf of the planet

Lookatmedia™ is committed to doing more than just improving the quality of the discussion about climate change. We want to play an active role in reducing carbon emissions, which is why we've committed to planting a tree for every article you publish on your new Lookatmedia™ centre.