The battlefront for conservation
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Environmental services are at the leading edge of the battle against the effects of climate change. Lookatmedia™ ensures their voices are heard by all.
How does your Parks management service engage with the media? Do you work with them to show the wonders of your natural assets? Do you use media exposure to teach the public respect for the environment and native owners? Do you view the media as an essential resource for educating the public on the wonder and value of the natural world…or do you see them simply an afterthought?
How the media see you
If a journalist went to your media centre now to research a story, what would they find? Would they find compelling, newsworthy story ideas, events, and support documents, or would they see the odd press release and little more?
Do you even have a media centre on your website? The media resources provided by Parks services demonstrate how they perceive the role of the media. It also impacts how the media see them. A lack of resources sends a message that the media is not valued and there is little to write about. Lookatmedia™ provides you with an opportunity to change this narrative.

Lessons learned
Getty Images/iStockphoto
We have a choice whether we learn from past mistakes. Now is the time to change how you manage the important conversations about the environment through the media.

Lessons learned
Getty Images/iStockphoto
We have a choice whether we learn from past mistakes. Now is the time to change how you manage the important conversations about the environment through the media.
Changing your approach
By simply demonstrating that you understand and respect their role, you can drive more and better-quality exposure through journalists and the media. You can enlist their help to increase the public’s awareness of our parks. You can educate on the respectful way to engage with these locations. You can explain the history and map out the future of our parks systems. You can keep the public informed of changes that may impact their planning or access. It all begins with a compelling media-friendly media centre.
Respecting the environment
Just as you have created and maintained an environment that is both inclusive and protected, Lookatmedia™ delivers the same options for your new media centre.
Lookatmedia™ is an out-of-the-box Media Centre solution with a fully integrated and enterprise-level Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution. It allows you to create, illustrate and manage compelling media-friendly content within an environment where you track and control access to resources. It provides an ecosystem of features that allows you to increase the frequency and quality of media engagement while improving understanding and respect for the services you provide.
Events, milestones, and evergreen content
Many of the stories you create within your Lookatmedia™ centre will focus on the evergreen aspects of your parks. The places where change only happens with the seasons. Other content will cover events and milestones, such as anniversaries, openings, or upgrades to public facilities. There will also be seasonal events and activities. Lookatmedia™ provides an environment where you can create easily discoverable content that covers this entire spectrum of storytelling.

Permanent presence
Getty Images/iStockphoto
You have an entirely new opportunity to run a harmonious proactive PR strategy. Elevate your voice and presence in the media with Lookatmedia™.

Permanent presence
Getty Images/iStockphoto
You have an entirely new opportunity to run a harmonious proactive PR strategy. Elevate your voice and presence in the media with Lookatmedia™.
Picture this
The demands of the 24/7 media cycle, less resources, and more visually driven news and editorial content have increased the media's appetite for high quality images and video. Lookatmedia™ uses smart workflows to allow secure access to pre-approved images and videos to illustrate your stories. Lookatmedia™ also enables journalists, media representatives and influencers to register and access this content 24/7. It's a great way to increase the quality and frequency of your media exposure.
Don’t step there
Just as you aim to educate the public on what they can do, you also need to inform them what they can't do, and why. Lookatmedia™ does the same. With inbuilt role-based access, approvals, version control, attribution, and usage management features, you maintain control over how the media engages with your brand and content.
See the whole picture
Many park services manage hundreds of locations and facilities. Some of those parks may have high public awareness; many may not. Lookatmedia™ provides you with an opportunity to tell the stories of all your parks, what they offer and their histories.
Illustrate the roles these parks have within communities; explain their ecology and the direct impact they have on the quality of our lives.
By publishing and illustrating newsworthy content on your Lookatmedia™ centre, you move your stories into all the world can see them. It's how you inform, educate, advocate, and increase support for our natural resources.