Organization Representative Answering Press Questions and Giving Interview Outside a Parliament, Court or Other Government Building. Press Officer or Businessman Crowded by News Journalists.

Organization Representative Answering Press Questions and Giving Inter


Politician gives an impromptu press conference.

#mediarelations #pressconfrence #pressrelease #conference #PublicRelations

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Organization Representative Answering Press Questions and Giving Interview Outside a Parliament, Court or Other Government Building. Press Officer or Businessman Crowded by News Journalists.
9 months ago

Is it true ‘If you’re
explaining you’re losing?’

#Government #opengov #transparency #PRTips #PublicRelations #news #newsupdate #newsalert #lookatmedia

By Craig Harris

Organization Representative Answering Press Questions and Giving Inter


Politician gives an impromptu press conference.

#mediarelations #pressconfrence #pressrelease #conference #PublicRelations

Political pundits often use the phrase, 'If you're explaining, you're losing?' Is this true, or is the sequence of events the problem? Is it better to respond to a political opponent through the media or lead the charge? AA

Temporal power

Sometimes it appears as if politicians hope that no one would notice, then attempt to explain their way through a policy or decisions. True or not, perception matters. It's better to control the story's arc in the media from the outset rather than find yourself on the back foot.

Leaders lead through the media

The best policies and decisions can be unintentionally (or intentionally) misrepresented by the media. By creating and publishing your own stories on Lookatmedia™ and making this content discoverable by all journalists, you have a much greater chance of controlling the narrative. By documenting and illustrating your policies and the intended impacts, you can humanise and clarify your motives and decision-making processes. It's an approach that builds trust with the media and public.

All politics are retail

'All politics are retail' is a well-worn political adage that is often forgotten by those in government. Many forget that you have a story to tell once you're in government that the media and public want to hear…if you employ the right storytelling and story illustration techniques. Rather than focus solely on the big policy initiatives alone, Lookatmedia™ allows you to explain your policies and their impacts in more detail. You can break the benefits of your policies down to a retail perspective and demonstrate the impact on a single group or individual. You can do this over and over again, building layers of content that demonstrate to individual journalists, media representatives, influencers and podcasters that your focus is on real-world benefits.

For the public good

Some politicians motivate by fear, and some motivate through leadership. The politicians whose legacies stand the test of time always leads. All these politicians were Masters of Media. They were great orators. They connected with the public through the media by appealing to their better angels. They reminded us of what we have in common rather than highlighting differences.

Not popular but necessary

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Rather than explain decisions after the fact, use Lookatmedia™ to drive conversations in the media on decisions that will impact the everyday lives of the public.

#Government #opengov #transparency #PR #PRTips #PublicRelations #news #Breakingnews #newsupdate #newsalert #lookatme

Not popular but necessary

Not popular but necessary

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Rather than explain decisions after the fact, use Lookatmedia™ to drive conversations in the media on decisions that will impact the everyday lives of the public.

#Government #opengov #transparency #PR #PRTips #PublicRelations #news #Breakingnews #newsupdate #newsalert #lookatme

When using any content from this media centre, you must include an attribution for the content creator. Select "I Understand" to proceed to download this image.

More than simply a soapbox

Lookatmedia™ provides a platform for those who are now (or hope soon to be) political leaders wanting to build more enduring media relationships and create more media coverage. It's a newsroom designed to meet the needs of the media and a place where government and politicians explain their policies and decisions in detail. It's a space to build more media relations and hone your storytelling capabilities. It's not a replacement for your current PR strategies; it's a way to optimise the value of your PR team.