PR event promotion
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Few things are more publicly humiliating to an organisation than throwing a PR Event and no one showing up. Lookatmedia™ has features that help your PR event capture more attention and increase participation.
Whereas the purpose of PR events may vary, they all have the common goal of increasing awareness and positive exposure. Whereas social media is playing an increasingly important role in the exposure of these events, media coverage is still considered the most important goal.
Why media is so important
Social influencers can increase your brand, product, or service exposure, but exposure through the media shows your event or launch is newsworthy. The media is the most trusted source of information for most of the public. Exposure through the media builds trust and reputation. It also brings other media sources to the table.
How to get the media to promote your PR event
Timing, significance, proximity, prominence, and human interest are the features of a story that journalists consider newsworthy. Understanding which boxes your event ticks helps you understand which journalists to target. Once you determine your media target audience (or audiences), you need to promote your PR event. If you have a great media email and phone list, that’s where you can start; however, there are possibly many more media sources who may cover your event if they are aware it’s coming. That’s where Lookatmedia™ can help.
Promote your PR event online
The two most popular sources of story ideas for journalists are organic searches and Twitter. Lookatmedia™ can help you build a presence on both. Lookatmedia™ is a SaaS media centre solution that allows your team to create and publish newsworthy, media-friendly content. It has features that will enable your team to rank organically, drawing in and capturing both the attention and contact detail of journalists.

The early bird
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Journalists’ calendars are filled months in advance. Start marketing your PR event up to 180 days in advanced and get journalists to ‘save the date’ with Lookatmedia™.

The early bird
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Journalists’ calendars are filled months in advance. Start marketing your PR event up to 180 days in advanced and get journalists to ‘save the date’ with Lookatmedia™.
‘Save the date’
Lookatmedia™ allows your team to create and publish everything from the latest news to backstories and evergreen content. It also has an Event content type that includes a feature where journalists click on the date of an event, and it’s added to their calendars. It’s a great way to increase media exposure and guarantee your event is not forgotten.
Starting early
As a rule, PR event promotions should start months in advance if you want maximum media exposure. The idea is to build awareness to a crescendo, then ensure coverage of and post-event. Lookatmedia™ helps you manage this process. From publishing multiple illustrated articles leading up to the events to media access to images and videos during and post events, Lookatmedia™ provides all the resources journalists need to create their stories and promote your events through their own social media profiles.

Direct notification to journalists
Lookatmedia™ has features that allows you a direct line to journalists to push details of your PR event and enable them to add the event directly to their calendars.

Direct notification to journalists
Lookatmedia™ has features that allows you a direct line to journalists to push details of your PR event and enable them to add the event directly to their calendars.
Direct notification to journalists
Whether it's notifying journalists of a forthcoming PR event or altering them on the day, Lookatmedia™ has a way of putting the right message directly into the hands of journalists. These notifications can link back to content in your media centre, reminding journalists of the newsworthiness of your PR event.
Visual storytelling
A journalist, media representative or media group may not be able to attend, or if they can, may not have the resources to cover it visually. Lookatmedia™ incorporates the world's best Digital Asset Management solutions, allowing you to provide secure, low friction access to download images of videos before, during and after your event. This increases both the chance and quality of media exposure.

Visual storytelling
Use the images from past events and graphics to create anticipation of your coming PR event. Create FOMO by showing the success of past events and the opportunities your event presents.

Visual storytelling
Use the images from past events and graphics to create anticipation of your coming PR event. Create FOMO by showing the success of past events and the opportunities your event presents.
Your next PR event…and the one after that
Your focus may primarily be on your forthcoming PR event, but the work you do now on Lookatmedia™ paves the way for success beyond this event. From creating a source of story ideas to journalists, capturing media contacts, and analytics on content engagement, everything on Lookatmedia™ is designed to help you learn and improve with each event. It's a single source of truth for all your media-friendly content and place journalists love to visit.