Ready to launch
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Whether you’re launching a new product, new service, or new campaign, Lookatmedia™ can help you expand your media coverage.
Most campaign launches include a PR campaign. Often, these PR campaigns use the same creative material and themes. With advertising campaigns, it’s easy to control when this content is released to the public, as the brand employs everyone involved in disseminating this content. This is not the case with PR.
Embargoed content
You can control exactly when a campaign is released through advertising or owned media, but earned media is more challenging. Journalists need advanced warning and access to resources to create their articles and content.
Traditionally there was an unwritten rule around getting advanced access to this content by embargoing when pre-released journalists published content. The embargoed content model is now failing for several reasons. Firstly, PR professionals are sent embargoed content to a wider range of journalists, leaving them feeling that there is no exclusivity around the content.
This leads to the second issue, which is that it takes only one journalist to break the embargo, and others are forced to follow suit. The other problem is when this happens, the rewards for the journalists who break the embargo are more significant than the penalties. It’s why journalists (collectively) are pushing back against embargoed content.

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Journalists understand the cost of arriving to a story too late. Its why journalists go first to online searches to seek stories and breaking news. Lookatmedia™ is designed for this purpose.

Getty Images/iStockphoto
Journalists understand the cost of arriving to a story too late. Its why journalists go first to online searches to seek stories and breaking news. Lookatmedia™ is designed for this purpose.
What’s the alternative to embargoing campaign launch material?
The idea of embargoing content is based on the principle that journalists need advanced warning and access to resources to create their stories, have them approved and published. This model is based on the timelines associated with print publishing, not the 24/7 digital media cycle. Instead of putting the responsibility for embargoed content on journalists, you can easily control the release of content through Lookatmedia™.
Embargoing content on Lookatmedia™
Now you can create content in advance on Lookatmedia™ and automatically control its release date. With instant access to the story, research, images, videos, and hashtags that journalists need through Lookatmedia™, they can create and post on social channels in just a few minutes and major media publications in a few hours. Once the story is live, other media sources pick it up through social and news channels and before long, it can go global. It’s a solution that guarantees you remain in control of the release date while helping journalists create content and release well researched and illustrated stories faster.

Embargoed content that’s actually ‘embargoed’
Lookatmedia has features and workflows that allow you to provide information in a format and workflow that benefits all parties.

Embargoed content that’s actually ‘embargoed’
Lookatmedia has features and workflows that allow you to provide information in a format and workflow that benefits all parties.
Promoting media events
You can also create a media event such as press conferences (In-person, virtual or recorded) or invites to launch parties in Lookatmedia™. Journalists can then click on the date of the event and automatically add the date and a description to their calendars. When you use this feature in partnership with embargoed content, you create the ideal balance between control, FOMO and maximising media exposure.
Push notifications
You can even send instant browser notifications advising of your new campaign launch, which reaches the media and anyone who uses this function. Lookatmedia™ is where your brand successfully launches its campaign and extends its reach and exposure beyond the current media cycle.

Push stories, without being pushy
Lookatmedia™ allows you to use in browser notifications to alert individual journalists of breaking and other kinds of stories, capturing attention instantly.

Push stories, without being pushy
Lookatmedia™ allows you to use in browser notifications to alert individual journalists of breaking and other kinds of stories, capturing attention instantly.